Ministry of Defense: Chinese Navy recently handed over three pirates to Somali authorities

According to reports, the Chinese navy recently handed over three pirates to the Somali authorities. It is reported that these three pirates were captured by the Chinese navy when rescuing the Tuvaluan cargo ship on April 9. Please confirm. Three Somali pirates handed over. Ministry of Defense Information Bureau: On April 9, the 25th escort formation of the Chinese Navy, Yulin, successfully rescued a Tuvaluan cargo ship hijacked by pirates missile destroyer. During the operation, China captured three suspected pirates. According to the relevant international law and international practice, after coordination with the federal and local governments of Somalia and […]

General Administration of Customs: foreign trade surplus of 715 billion yuan in the first four months narrowed by%

General Administration of Customs: Foreign trade import and export increased by year-on-year in the first four months (Source: CCTV-News) The General Administration of Customs announced today: in the first four months of this year, the total import and export value of China’s goods trade was 8.42 trillion yuan, an increase of 20.3 percent over the same period last year. According to customs statistics, in the first four months of this year, the total import and export value of China’s goods trade was 8.42 trillion yuan, an increase of 20.3 percent over the same period last year. Among them, exports were […]

Two high schools: illegal sale of personal information with a profit of more than 5 thousand yuan constitutes a crime

A judicial explanation published by the “two high schools” today clearly states that anyone who illegally obtains, sells or provides personal information of citizens and has one of the situations such as “illegal income of more than 5,000 yuan” can be criminalized. According to, on the morning of the 9th, the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate jointly issued the Interpretation on Several Issues concerning the application of law in handling criminal cases involving infringement of citizens’ personal information in Beijing. Yan Maokun, director of the Research Office of the Supreme People’s Court, introduced that there were […]