Interpretation: Why are 40 people arrested by “100 Hongtong personnel” handled differently?

On April 22, 2015, China announced the list of “100 Hongtong personnel. Up to now, 40 people have been arrested. Many netizens want to know, how are these 40 people now? What kind of punishment did you receive? On May 10th, the central government chased and fled the office to arrange the follow-up work progress of 40 “100 Hongtong personnel. According to statistics, among these 40 people, 15 have already made judgments, 2 have made the decision not to prosecute, 1 has withdrawn the case, and 9 have been tried by the court but not yet pronounced, 13 people were […]

Nanjing has another 10 new policies to strictly control the property market: the opening needs to be notarized

Xinhua News Agency, Nanjing, May 13 (Yang Yanci) on the evening of the 13th, Nanjing municipal people’s government publicly issued a notice to strengthen the regulation and control of the real estate market. Since the implementation of Regulation and control in last September, the Nanjing property market has generally stabilized, but some sectors still have overheating. In this regard, Nanjing has issued another 10 new policies to strictly control the property market, including the limited sale of newly purchased houses within 3 years, and the opening of new houses requires strong measures such as notarial agencies. Data map: on January […]

Buhe’s body was cremated in Beijing. Xi Jinping waited until Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery to send farewell.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 11, outstanding Party members of the Communist Party of China, time-tested loyal Communist fighters, proletarian revolutionaries, outstanding National Work leaders, eighth, the body of Comrade Buhe, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People’s Congress, was cremated at the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery in Beijing on the 11th. Comrade Buhe died of illness in Beijing at 15:28 on May 5, 2017 at the age of 91. During and after comrade Buhe’s serious illness, Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang, Zhang Dejiang, Yu Zhengsheng, Liu Yunshan, Wang Qishan, Zhang Gaoli, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao and other […]

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: will properly handle the aftermath of Weihai traffic accident with South Korea

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 10 (reporter Sun Chenqian) Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang introduced the death of children in China and South Korea caused by Weihai, Shandong major traffic accidents on the 10th, he also said that China would work with South Korea to properly handle the aftermath. Geng Shuang said that on May 9, a major traffic accident occurred in Weihai city, Shandong province. At present, the accident has killed 12 people including children from China and South Korea. He said that after this unfortunate incident, Chinese leaders attached great importance to it and gave important instructions to […]

Heilongjiang cracked a huge drug trafficking case: illegal gun attempted to reverse and hit the police

The reporter learned from the public security bureau of Shuangyashan city, Heilongjiang province that the anti-drug department of the bureau recently cracked a huge drug trafficking case, captured 13 drug addicts, seized 2.3 kilograms of methamphetamine, 1 self-made revolver and 10 bullets, 2 Transport drug vehicles and 2.47 million yuan for drug money. Drugs seized by the police. On April 29, the police arrested the criminal suspect Bai and his girlfriend Zhang in a small area of Jixian county, Shuangyashan city, and seized a loaded homemade revolver in the bedroom grocery container, 10 rounds of bullets and drugs and drug […]

China expects to launch asteroid detectors after 2020

People’s Daily Online, Beijing, May 8th according to the official microblog news of CCTV News Center, Ye Peijian, an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, revealed today that China is planning to carry out an asteroid detection mission. It is expected to launch an asteroid detector after 2020 and will complete the accompanying flight at one time, landing and sampling return work. Through the implementation of asteroid exploration, it will promote the technological development in many fields such as space technology, astronomical navigation, new material manufacturing, etc. page People’s Daily Online, Beijing, May 8th according to the official microblog news […]